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Sunday, February 10, 2013

James Olmos Music - Newsletter #02


WATCH as I'm putting on my recording cap, positioning microphones and firing up my Studio One recording software.  Yes - My 2013 album is in motion!

Are you excited as I am?  I look forward to sharing this musical journey with you.  I'll post studio action shots on my blogs and social networks.  And if you have a backstage pass on my website then you'll get to hear some sample sounds, comment and offer suggestions on the forum board, watch short recording session videos and be the first to hear the finished product!

What's New?

Coming Soon!

How can I help?
  • SHARE my MUSIC and WEBSITE with friends and family
  • SHARE my VIDEOS on your social networks
  • SHARE my social network POSTS - it only takes one fun click

Keep enjoying the moments ~


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Live like you were dying?

Live like you were dying  . . . I never liked that saying.  It just seems so morbid.  Live for today is another term we often hear that is suppose to encourage us to value life.

We like to create reasons to endure this life instead of understanding that life is simply, breath. To live like you're dying is to live anxiously and desperately.  Our journey towards death begins at conception and concludes after our last breath.  In contrast to eternity which began before breath and does not expire.

Yet life does not begin with our own breath, it begins with the breath of our mother and father . . . some say it begins with God.  We inhale before we exhale.  We take in life before we give life.

Why ponder on reasons to exist?  Why search for the purpose of our breath?  Why seek the creator when we've already been found?


I draw songs from breath.  I don't search for the song; the song finds me.  The song existed before me and I only need to have ears to hear it.  My muse is everything outside my skin and everything inside my spirit, soul and body.

Why do I stand where I stand and breath?  To live.
From Seattle March 2012

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Shatter Me

Please listen to my newest song addition for my "Take One Project".  These recordings are works-in-progress (incomplete, raw, organic) for my next full album.  I'll choose 12 songs from this "Take One Project" and properly record them for my upcoming album.

Did You Know . . .

I'm collaborating with Google Plus Artists and featuring their photos and artwork as the thumbnail picture for my songs.  Each song in the "Take One Project" will feature different artwork from photographers and artists across the globe!

The sixth artist is Suzen Juel.  Suzen is a musician and artist who works with many mediums.  All her works speak deeply and passionately.  Please click here to view Suzen's portfolio.

For collaborative details please click Suzen Juel's photo

Suzen Juel

Suzen Juel's work is the thumbnail art for


Color me
Paint me bright upon your skin so fair
I realize

I feel again
In the motion of your song I fall
Through your pain

And I've been waiting for my soul to cry
Bitter kisses on my heart
You've come closer than my yesterday
Won't you free my pain
Won't you free my pain

Stay with me
Hold me like you feel at home
With my soul

Cry with me
Scream your pain into my body
And shatter me

Words & Music by James Olmos
Painting by Suzen Juel

Previous Artists: +Astrid MJ. Houchin +Michael Bastia +Sherrie von Sternberg +Billy Wilson +Paulissa Kipp
Want More Music!
50 songs are available for listening on my website!  More artists and photographers are welcome to support this project!  All current songs and future songs require artwork.
You can always contact me via my website or Google Plus and view the collection of collaborative works here.